What Is Reiki?

I was first introduced to Reiki in the mid-90 whilst attending a counselling training course. I was so curious I ended up getting an ‘attunement’ and to be honest I didn’t really do much more than that with it. But actually that was fine, I was already very ‘aware spiritually’ and certainly had healing hands…

Is Reiki a ‘real’ thing?


If you don’t know me, I’d describe myself as a very logical thinker.

I analyse situations, events and ‘stuff’ from every angle.

Having used Reiki during thousands of Maga Therapy sessions  I finally came to the conclusion that yes, Reiki is real.

Reiki is different for every person.

Reiki gives you what you need. Whether it’s to sleep, to relax or even ‘help’ with physical conditions, it’s very personal to you.

As a Reiki Healer & a Reiki Master Teacher

I have experienced many wonderful things whilst being the client or the practitioner.

This has ranged from colour, shapes, and images of faces (people you know or strangers) to extreme changes in temperatures and other far more bizarre and wonderful things!

Many of my clients have experienced very similar events. I’ve selected a few treatments to share with you, in order that you can see the diversity for yourself.

5 Reiki Sessions & Outcomes

Client 1 – A Women’s Health & Wellness Professional

My client called me in horror.  I’d seen her the previous day to fix her jaw/ headache issue whilst freeing up her shoulders, hips and legs.

She’d felt (pummelled) but amazing post-treatment, so much so, she’d gone for a run.

My client is who religiously stretches and warms up pre-and post-exercise.

Whilst running that day, out of nowhere there was a horrible sound; followed by the obviousness that she could no longer weight bear on the leg fully.

Wendy knew this could be an ACL injury,  she hobbled home to call her Dr who also suspected and prescribed anti-inflammatory medication and ice, so she called me!

I explained I didn’t know what treatment to do until I saw her. “That’s ok” she said, “I know you, you’ll just fix it!”

The treatment was somewhat bizarre!

The end result was the knee was fine and has been ever since and that’s been at least two years, so whatever we did certainly did the trick 😉

Client 2 – A Life-Long Scientist

This gentleman has been a scientist for his entire working life. He’d heard that my treatments were ‘the best’ he booked to see me.

The treatment request was for shoulders and back tension, but as always, I was soon figuring out ‘what was needed.

I asked him if I could use Cranial Sacral Therapy and other techniques (not being too specific) to which he said “I’ll leave it to you you’re the expert do whatever you feel”

With that, I changed tack and channelled Reiki.

Click Here To Read What He Wrote…  IT’S AMAZING 🙂

Client 3 – A Teacher/ Lecturer

I recall one of my teaching colleagues asking me about 7 years ago to ‘show’ her Reiki and the things she had heard about but not yet experienced.

She worked with me teaching complimentary therapies and had a great interest in the energy side of treatments. She wanted to ‘feel it’ or ‘something spiritual’ to happen.

At the time she was being a ‘body’ during a reflexology class, so I combined the treatment, demonstrating how versatile Reiki healing can be…

She quickly relaxed into the treatment and commentated on the colour that she saw. The same colours many other clients had described despite the location.

I was aware the treatment was changing (the energy changes whilst you are working) and I knew something more was starting to happen.

Within a couple of seconds, she opened her eyes and asked me to stop. She was freaked out, to say the least!

I guess she never actually expected to experience anything, I mean let’s be honest until you do, (and even then you don’t believe it and you try to come up with every possible explanation)……….! And of course, this was her first real/ profound spiritual experience and it scared her.

I’d like to add at this point what she saw was actually very special and lovely, and she knew what it was; when the shock settled she was ok.

The brilliant thing was we continued the treatment and she continued to see colours, but many more than before and she relaxed and thoroughly enjoyed her session.

Client 4 – A Stressed Out Executive from London.

Totally exhausted, she flopped on the couch. “Mum’s had Reiki, she says it’s amazing. It’s even helped reduce her various aches and pains…”  She went on to describe her Mum’s experience…

I asked her some questions and quickly recognised she was suffering all the symptoms of chronic prolonged stress and now being a total insomniac.

She mentioned all she needed was to sleep, and as soon as she closed her eyes, she did just that.

Spiritually, I felt the guides and healing energies were ‘very active.

At the end of the treatment as I gently woke her. “is that it?” she asked “I saw a bit of a purple colour and then I fell asleep”

If I’m honest I was a little surprised! It dawned on me that she had expected to have the same experience as her mum – the heat, the tingling, feeling her spiritual helpers… Her Mum had remained relaxed and awake during her session.

I gently reminded her Reiki gives her “what you need most” (reminding her she needed to sleep).  “oh!” She replied “Thank you. actually, I did and now I feel tremendously relaxed”

Client 5 – A Busy, (WholeFaculty Supporting) Receptionist.

This treatment really sticks in my mind. It was very different!

While I was giving a lady I knew a holistic facial, I started to get a horrendous pain in my head, all around the left-hand side of the temple which continued throughout the treatment.

I felt as though I had a patio slab on my head, it felt very weighty and practically crushed my skull.

I’d experienced this sort of phenomenon. I understood.

I chatted to my client and she told me of the changes to her office at work.

It’s all about energy

There had been some additions to the electrics of the whole building (which was mostly granite). All of the main electrical boxes and housings were now sited right behind her desk. They covered a vast area of the wall on the modest office.

She’d had a ‘funny’ headache for some time since the electrics had been moved in the office.

“Use Crystals & Plants,” I said…

I suggested lots of quartz around the whole office, particularly the computer/ electrical equipment.

I also suggested she kept a peace lily and several cactus plants.

“You see”, I explained “the crystals will help absorb and neutralise the emission from electrical equipment and the plants, well, peace lilies will die if the energy in the room is not right (it’s a bit like the canary in the cage down a mine!).

At the end of the holistic facial treatment, she reported that her skin look fab and that her headache has gone away. For (client 5) the rest-bite from the pain was a welcomed relief. Over the next few days, I saw her and she said she felt great.

The headache hadn’t gone far.

I now had it! For three very long days my head hurt, then suddenly it began to ease. The weight of the ‘patio slab’ lessened and the pain in the left-hand temple started to reduce.

I visited her (client 5) the next day…

“How are you feeling?” I asked, adding that I was feeling much better and it was starting to ease.

Her response was that her headache and pain were starting to come back, and gradually during the following 24/36 hours. It had left me and returned to her.

I was concerned I’d experienced similar events before and there was always a significant reason.

I suggested that such a bad headache should be checked out and she totally agreed.  It turned out to be a very serious (life-threatening)  issue… Luckily  ‘P’ is fully recovered now, but it took several years of doctors, hospitals and medication to get there.

Experience a Reiki Healing session with me (or scroll down to the bottom of this page to learn Reiki with me.

Learn The Art of Reiki Healing (level 1 – self-treating) with me…

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