Reiki: My Experience. Wendy Powell.

My Reiki Moment…

I have to admit to being quite a Dawn-Fan.  She treated me throughout & beyond my second pregnancy,  has been my saviour when I have experienced acute back pain, as well as to treat more deep-seated stress or trauma-based pain. I think I have probably been treated to most of Dawn’s Maga Therapy tool box over the years – all of which have had resulted in immediate (& lasting) relief & relaxation.

My ‘Reiki moment’ was after I had injured my knee whilst running. I climbed over a stile & must have just turned or twisted in the wrong direction. I felt a deep ‘pop’ somewhere in my knee – no pain, no dramatic tear or crunch, just a slightly odd *twisted* feeling. I ran on a little, then decided it was sensible to walk the rest of the way home.

A few hours later I couldn’t stand up. The pain was incredible – it had just crept up on me & I couldn’t put any weight at all on that leg. Dawn chatted a bit (she chats quite a lot… ;)) as she placed her hand gently on my knee. Then she went quiet (which usually means something serious is about to happen). I felt heat from her hand & then a very clear & strong feeling of my knee going round in circles under her hand. It was like the inner working of my knee were rotating. I told her what I could feel & she said ‘I know. But it needs to go the other way. I need to make it turn’. Then she went quiet again & I felt the circling slow, stop, & then start to judder in the opposite direction. It juddered a little more then started flowing freely in the other direction.

The pain had completely gone away & it never came back. I have absolutely no idea *what* was going round in circles, & then changed direction… but it worked!

I don’t question why or how what Dawn does, works – but it absolutely does. I can’t recommend her highly enough


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When you become embroiled in extreme stress and burnout, one of the biggest difficulties is that is that on the surface you appear to be ‘normal’, healthy and well.

Loaded popular beliefs that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME) does not exist, along with labels such such as hypochondriac, attention seeker or lazy, do little to resolve the emotional conflict of this crippling disease.

What I know for sure is that there are things that you can do… I know this to be true because I had to find and do them myself.

I wrote this book because I burned out 3 times. Frantically chasing a solution for my problems made things even worse. But after many long years I found a solution which is the exact opposite of frantic…

Price: £6.97


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