Can Magnesium reduce stress and relax muscle tension?

Can Magnesium reduce stress and relax muscle tension?
Is magnesium a natural stress buster?
What does Magnesium do?

It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. Magnesium also helps regulate blood sugar levels, promotes normal blood pressure, and is known to be involved in energy metabolism!

Basically, a Magnesium deficiency can leave you feeling anxious, stressed and cause muscular tension… so the answer for me is a resounding yes, Magnesium Is A natural stress buster!

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Better still, remember can help increase your overall energy.

How do you increase your daily magnesium intake?

By supplementing your diet or increasing your choices of the foods listed below.  Before we go to the table I’d like to point out a few extra tips:

Many sources of information mention the value of Soy products (e.g. Tofu, soy flour, and soy milk). However, soy milk is high in phytoestrogens (as well as magnesium) and it has been suggested that it is unhealthy to eat Soy in large quantities because it may raise oestrogen levels &/ it may cause thyroid problems.

Caffeine can cause a magnesium loss.

How much Magnesium do you need and where can you find it in your diet?

The following is the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for magnesium in children and adults:

1-3 80 80 N/A N/A
4-8 130 130 N/A N/A
9-13 240 240 N/A N/A
14-18 410 360 400 360
19-30 400 310 350 310
31+ 420 320 360 320


Sources of dietary magnesium

Source mg/100g Source mg/100g
Kelp 760 Sunflower seeds 38
Wheat bran 490 Barley 37
Wheat germ 336 Dandelion leaves 36
Almonds 270 Garlic 36
Cashews 267 Fresh green peas 35
Molasses 258 Sweet potato 31
Buckwheat 229 Blackberries 30
Brazil Nuts 225 Broccoli 28
Hazelnuts 184 Cheddar cheese 25
Roasted peanuts 180 Cauliflower 24
Millet 162 Carrots 23
Pecans 142 White fish 23
Rye 115 Celery 22
Bean Curd 111 Chicken 21
Dried Coconut 90 Asparagus 20
Brown rice 88 Beef 18
Whole-wheat bread 76 Potatoes 17
Dried Apricots 62 Tomatoes 14
Corn 48 Oranges 13
Avocado 45 Whole milk 13
Parsley 41 Eggs 12


Personal note from Dawn:

I found Magnesium made a huge difference on my body, my trick was always to carry a bag of cashews (hardly difficult to make this healthy change!!) and so many clients agree it has had a very positive and speedily effect.

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