Sports Injuries: Acute or Chronic
Sports injuries acute (recent) or chronic (longer than 6 weeks)are generally classified as either traumatic or overuse injuries. My physical therapy sessions address the painful conditions of Plantar Fasciitis, Shin Splints, Runners Knee, Cramp, Rotator Cuff Injuries, Achillies Tendonitis, IT Band Syndrome, Wrist Tendonitis, or Repetitive Stress Injuries, Sciatic Nerve Pain (Sciatica) Tennis Elbow & Golfers elbow […]
Rowing Treatments for Rowers & Kayakers
The most common pain + injuries I see when treating rowers + kayakers are injuries to the wrist, shoulders, knees and lower backs. It is incredibly easy to use and train the side from which you row, however, it is wise to remember that if you create strength on one side of the body […]