Adrenal Fatigue.
Are You Suffering from Adrenal Fatigue? What is it? Adrenal Fatigue | adrenal exhaustion creeps up in such a way often you have no realisation you are in trouble. Why? Let’s face it, we are all guilty of a fast-paced 24/7 lifestyle and barely have time to think let alone assess why we are feeling so […]
Who Is Reiki For? Anyone who prefers a gentle, relaxing treatment. Anyone who prefers a fully clothed treatment. Reiki is for everyone, regardless of age, sex, race, creed or state of health. Reiki can do no harm and does not interfere with any other treatment or medication. Reiki promotes physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Reiki […]
Reiki: My Experience. Wendy Powell.
My Reiki Moment… I have to admit to being quite a Dawn-Fan. She treated me throughout & beyond my second pregnancy, has been my saviour when I have experienced acute back pain, as well as to treat more deep-seated stress or trauma-based pain. I think I have probably been treated to most of Dawn’s Maga […]
Reiki: My Experience, Ralph.
Have you experienced Reiki? It may well seem to be ‘mumbo jumbo’, but read what Ralph who has a been a scientist for his entire working life had to say in May 2011. This is the exact email I received from Ralph, following a Reiki session with me. A year or so ago I was […]