
Who Is Reiki For?

  • Anyone who prefers a gentle, relaxing treatment.
  • Anyone who prefers a fully clothed treatment.
  • Reiki is for everyone, regardless of age, sex, race, creed or state of health.
  • Reiki can do no harm and does not interfere with any other treatment or medication.
  • Reiki promotes physical, mental and spiritual well-being.
  • Reiki is not a religion or cult and does not contradict any religious beliefs.
  • Reiki does not require belief or faith, just a desire to receive the energy.
  • Reiki can also be given, with great effect, to animals and plants.

What Can Reiki Do For You

There will always be some benefit from receiving Reiki. Sometimes on the physical level, sometimes mental or spiritual level, and indeed sometimes a combination or all three levels.

Reiki can: 

  • Provide relaxation, confidence, peace and joy.
  • Remove tension and negative energies.
  • Release stress.
  • Create balance, harmony, clarity and good focus in daily work.
  • Improve concentration.
  • Aid meditation and positive thinking.
  • Encourage personal development, self-love and love for others.
  • Allow one to become more responsible for one’s health.
  • Accelerate the natural healing process.
  • Enhance, and not interfere with, any other treatment or medication.
  • Lead to a better quality of life.

Click HERE to book your healing Reiki session

What Does Reiki Feel Like?

The experience of receiving Reiki energy varies from person to person, session to session and sometimes even during a session. Some people feel nothing, apart from pleasant relaxation; others feel warmth, a coolness, a tingling or a gentle flowing sensation. It is not unusual for people to become so relaxed that they fall asleep.

Occasionally people may experience emotions, which may be happy or sad, and some particularly sensitive people even see images while their eyes are closed. These things are all part of the therapy and should not be fought against.

What Happens After A Treatment

When the session is over you will be given time to regain your thoughts, or gently woken up, if you have fallen asleep!
You will be offered a glass of water, as Recipients are often thirsty after your Reiki session.

How Often Can I Have Reiki?

There are no rules about how frequent sessions should be, or how many sessions a person needs , it is up to you! You cannot overdose on Reiki; the only constraint is the time both you and the Practitioner have to spare!

Reiki & Me.

I was first attuned to Reiki in the mid-nineties. I re-studied Reiki and took my Masters in 2004, along side Karuna Reiki 1 & 2.

Although I had 3 masters, my ‘main’ master/ mentor explained to me that to first heal yourself was the only way you could heal others.

In 2012 I fully realised the meaning of those words. I am happy (finally) to ‘come out’ so to speak to all my clients who know me as a hard-core massage professional who knows A LOT about injuries, pain and how to get them back on track.

The ‘odd’ thing, the different thing they get when they have what they fondly call a ‘Dawn’ treatment may be the Reiki? Who knows, but that’s one of my personal theories.

Read About Client Sessions Involving Reiki

Wendy’s Reiki Experience… Click Here

Ralphs Reiki Experience… Click Here

Click HERE to book your healing Reiki session

Suffering from Stress? Read my book…



When you become embroiled in extreme stress and burnout, one of the biggest difficulties is that is that on the surface you appear to be ‘normal’, healthy and well.

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I wrote this book because I burned out 3 times. Frantically chasing a solution for my problems made things even worse. But after many long years I found a solution which is the exact opposite of frantic…

Price: £6.97



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