Wrist & Elbow Pain

Wrist and elbow pain is common to 1 in 3 people. To recover (fast)  or avoid the incredibly painful, overuse injuries such as Tendonitis, RSI, or Tennis elbow you will need to take action.


What causes it?

You do! Whether  related to your work or leisure activities, the pain is caused by repetitive movements, overuse or trauma (a knock or bang) to the area. For example: using your computer mouse for prolonged periods of time can trigger RSI. Repeated use of your computer mouse causes muscle tension from the elbow to wrist, which if left untreated, will result in very tight muscles and inflammation of the joint.

Sports which can cause wrist or elbow pain:

  • badminton
  • tennis
  • squash
  • javelin
  • shot-putt
  • discus
  • golf

Leisure activities which can cause wrist or elbow pain:

  • gardening
  • painting
  • decorating
  • art and craft (inc the use of scissors)
  • playing the violin

Work which can cause wrist or elbow pain:

  • Painting and decorating
  • Plumber
  • Builder / bricklayer
  • computer work


How to avoid this from happening

Stretching your hands, wrists and thumbs daily is vital. If not, you will cause the injury.

First aid

Prevention is always better than cure, but if you are already experiencing pain, try the following:

Rest and ice : Hold a cold compress, such as a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel, against your elbow or wrist for a few minutes several times a day will reduce the inflammation and help ease your pain.

  • Anti-inflammatory gels and Glucosamine Hydrochloride can be very useful.
  • Stretches, hand and finger exercises are vital (see below)
  • self-massage


Tips for desk-jockeys

  • Use a forearm cushioned support. This will relax the forearm muscles and protect the tendons.
  • Upgrade your mouse. Try wireless, touch screens or the latest ergonomic solutions. Keep watching technology – voice recognition software could soon ‘fix’ ergonomic wrist issues!
  • Massage is particularly useful for this condition.
  • Wrist splints can help support the wrist at night.
  • Anti-inflammatory gels and Glucosamine Hydrochloride can be very useful.
  • Stretches, hand and finger exercises are vital

How to perform a stretch for wrist Tendonitis/ RSI.

  • Hold your fingers whilst straightening your arm.
  • Pull your fingers towards your body.


The forearms, wrist & fingers are made up of  a mass of tiny muscles, tendons & ligaments….. DO NOT apply too much force or you will over stretch this area. A stretch is just that (a stretch), and is never about strength! CLICK HERE for another Wrist Stretch

Wrist Stretch.

  • Place one arm straight ahead of you – parallel to the ground.
  • Rotate your wrist down and outwards and then use your other hand to further rotate your hand upwards.

Important Note

Remember… the forearms, wrists & fingers comprise of many smaller muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Do not over stretch this area by applying too much force too quickly. A stretch is gentle, never about force or strength.




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