How Does Stress Affect Fertility?

How Does Stress Affect Fertility?

  • Are you are trying for a baby without success?
  • Would like to avoid fertility specialists and fertility drugs if possible?
  • Do you believe that stress is either worsening or causing the situation?

If stress takes a toll on your body, then it can cause you to ovulate later than usual in your menstrual cycle, or not at all. This condition is called stress-induced anovulation

Whether you are male or female Stress can disrupt the part of your brain (the hypothalamus) that regulates your hormones. For women, the hypothalamus controls the secretion of the hormones required to release eggs. In men, it regulates testosterone levels.

Stress affecting fertility is common!

Emotions can run high and cause a strain on your relationship with your partner, colleagues, family and friends.

Negative beliefs and emotions such as; anger, guilt, blame, frustration, sadness and jealousy are extremely common.

Your career and well-being can suffer when the emotional strain of infertility takes hold.

How I can help?

My First Aid For Pregnancy master class is not therapy, counselling or a technique. It is a simple, logical conversation about how your thoughts and feelings affect your (physical) body which helps you recognise factors causing your stress both on a physical and emotional level.

CLICK HERE  to listen to what Jo has to say about her First Aid For Pregnancy masterclass with Dawn, and her very positive outcome!

“Your beliefs become your thoughts; your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny” Mahatma Gandhi



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