a picture of dawn symons giving a sports massage

How To Treat A Sprained Ankle

Learn how to get fast relief with my step-by-step sprained ankle treatment process.  I use a combination of techniques to provide effective solutions to treat PHYSICAL INJURIES and PAIN.

Common causes and risk factors associated with ankle sprains include

  • a lack of conditioning
  • inadequate warm-up and stretching
  • inadequate footwear
  • training on uneven ground
  • Lastly and most importantly, a previous history of ankle sprains.

Treat a Sprained Ankle

Always use the R.I.C.E.R. regime. This involves;

  • (R) rest
  • (I) ice
  • (C) compression
  • (E) elevation
  • (R) referral for appropriate medical treatment.

Where the R.I.C.E.R. regime has been used immediately after the occurrence of an injury,
it has been shown to significantly reduce recovery time.

R.I.C.E.R.  is ‘first-aid’ and in my opinion, the most important stage of injury rehabilitation, providing applied appropriately, effectively and swiftly.

When an ankle injury occurs it causes swelling, which in turn puts pressure on nerve endings and results in increased pain. It is exactly this process of bleeding, swelling and pain that the R.I.C.E.R. regime will help to alleviate.

R-est It is important that the injured ankle be kept as still as possible. This will help to slow down blood flow to the ankle and prevent any further damage.

I-ce By far the most important part. The application of ice will have the greatest effect on reducing bleeding, swelling and pain. Apply ice as soon as possible after the injury has occurred.

C-ompression reduces bleeding and swelling, it also provides support for the ankle. Simply use a wide, firm, elastic, compression bandage to cover the entire ankle and lower leg.

E-levation Simply raise the injured ankle above the level of the heart at all possible times. This will further help to reduce the bleeding and swelling.

R-eferral) If the injury is severe enough, it is important that you consult a professional physio, sports therapist or a qualified sports doctor.

What To Avoid During The First 72 Hours.

  • Also, avoid excessive alcohol.
  • Avoid all movement and massage of the injured area.
  • Be sure to avoid any form of heat at the injury site. This includes heat lamps, heat creams, spas, Jacuzzi and saunas.

All these things will increase the bleeding, swelling and pain of your injury. Avoid them at all costs.

After the first 48 to 72 hours?

When any sort of damage the body immediately goes into a process of repair. When the body begins to bind the damaged muscle fibres together it uses the fibrous protein collagen. We know it as scar tissue!

You see, when a ligament is torn, you would expect that the body would repair that tear with a new ligament. In reality, this doesn’t happen. The tear, or rupture, is repaired with scar tissue.

Scar tissue is made from a very tough, inflexible fibrous material and when it forms around an injury site, it is never as strong as the tissue it replaces. It also has a tendency to contract and deform the surrounding tissues, so not only is the strength of the tissue diminished, but the flexibility of the tissue is also compromised.

I uses a combination of techniques to provide effective solutions to treat PHYSICAL INJURIES and PAIN.

Prevent an ankle sprain

  1. Balancing Exercises Any activity that challenges your ability to balance, and keep your balance, will help what’s called proprioception: – your body’s ability to know where its limbs are at any given time.
  2. Footwear Be aware of the importance of good footwear. Use Barefoot.
  3. Plyometric Training Plyometric drills include jumping, skipping, bounding, and hopping-type activities. These explosive types of exercises help to condition and prepare the muscles, tendons and ligaments at the ankle joint.
  4. Strapping provides an added level of support and stability to weak or injured ankles.
  5. Stretch and Strengthen 
  6. Warm Up properly. A good warm-up is essential in getting the body ready for any activity. Your Warm-Up will prepare your heart, lungs, muscles, joints and mind for strenuous activity.

The immediate treatment of any soft tissue injury is vital. Proper care and treatment now will go a long way towards a full recovery later.

Getting a regular sports massage is VITAL. Book yours in my studio, Old Bakery Studios, Malpas rd, Truro.UK HERE

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