Private back pain treatment

[Updated 6/5/2022] Author; Dawn from Maga Therapy. Dawn has lectured and written widely, specialising in tension & stress reduction irrespective of the cause, applying the latest scientific thinking to provide logical, effective & progressive results. Private back pain treatment At Maga Therapy I offer private back pain treatment, it is a common […]
Massage & Stretches for Back Pain

[Updated 02/28/2021] How can I help with your back pain? Many people face horrendous pain either acute (swift onset) or chronic (long term) and often one leads to another following the initial episode. As we know this can lead to a serious intrusion on your ‘normal life and activities, or worse still leave you considering […]
Top 10 Tips For Back Health & Improved Posture
My 10 top tips for improved posture and the health of your back As a child, were you told “Stand up straight!” or “Don’t slouch!”. It turns out that whoever said it, they were right all along! Having poor posture when walking, sitting, working or driving can have a negative impact on your life including: Pain in your […]
Wrist Tendonitis & Wrist Stretch
What is Wrist Tendonitis? A form of Repetitive Strain Injury, which can be so painful, that it can totally incapacitate you! Wrist Tendonitis is tough to manage, but you CAN! Why is it so painful? Tendonitis is the irritation of the lining of the tendon and its sheath (which contains the lubrication to the joint). It’s not […]
Back Strain & Pain.
A back strain is a pain ful condition where the muscles of the back are injured due to a traumatic pulling and subsequent tearing of the fibres. One of the most common sites of injury, regardless of the sport, is the lower back region. There are many causes for lower back pain, for example, which you […]
Wrist & Elbow Pain
Wrist and elbow pain is common to 1 in 3 people. To recover (fast) or avoid the incredibly painful, overuse injuries such as Tendonitis, RSI, or Tennis elbow you will need to take action. NEED HELP? BOOK YOUR TREATMENT WITH DAWN HERE What causes it? You do! Whether related to your work or leisure activities, the pain is caused by repetitive movements, […]