Foods That Boost Your Energy & Improve Your Stress Recovery

Foods that boost your energy and improve your stress recovery

Stress is a big factor in our modern lives, and it can leave us feeling drained. Luckily, there are some simple things you can do to help relieve stress and boost your energy. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the best foods for improving your stress recovery, and how eating these foods can […]

Foot Pain | Plantar Fasciitis

Foot pain plantar fasciitis

Foot pain and stiffness, could it be Plantar Fasciitis? Signs & Symptoms Pain/tenderness on and under the heel and arch of the foot areas Pain worse first thing in the morning until the muscles warm & free Tenderness & Pain on the heel If untreated the pain experienced first thing in the morning will worsen […]

Sports Injuries: Acute or Chronic

Sports injuries acute (recent) or chronic (longer than 6 weeks)are generally classified as either traumatic or overuse injuries. My physical therapy sessions address the painful conditions of Plantar Fasciitis, Shin Splints, Runners Knee, Cramp, Rotator Cuff Injuries, Achillies Tendonitis, IT Band Syndrome, Wrist Tendonitis, or  Repetitive Stress Injuries, Sciatic Nerve Pain (Sciatica) Tennis Elbow & Golfers elbow […]

ITB Syndrome

What Is Ilio-Tibial Band syndrome (IT Band friction syndrome)? ITB Syndrome is a common cause of knee pain and hip pain in sports participants. Knee pain is most commonly felt along the outside (lateral) knee and the lower thigh. ITB syndrome may also result in a nagging or acute pain on the outside of the hip. […]

How To Treat And Prevent Cramp & Muscle Spasms.

Discover what causes and how to prevent muscle cramps here!  What is a Muscle Cramp and Spasm? Muscle cramps and muscle spasms are annoying conditions that involve a sudden, involuntary contraction and tightening of a muscle that will not immediately relax. Cramps can last anywhere from a few seconds to over 15 minutes and can […]

Improve Your Triathlon Performance & Prevent Injuries

Training for a triathlon? I can help you to improve your performance and prevent injuries. The competition level of a triathlon is so intense that there is very little of the body that is spared. However, whether its swimming, cycling or running, the majority of the punishment and stress is focused on your legs and arms. Remember […]

Rowing Treatments for Rowers & Kayakers

  The most common pain + injuries I see when treating rowers + kayakers are injuries to the wrist, shoulders, knees and lower backs. It is incredibly easy to use and train the side from which you row, however, it is wise to remember that if you create strength on one side of the body […]

Can Massage & Stretching Improve My Golf Game?

Can massage and specific stretches improve your golf game? The answer is simply YES!! Efficient conditioning of your muscles permits greater control and allows you to increase the speed of the golf head.  In short, If you want to improve your game and prevent injuries this article is written just for you! You may or may not be aware […]