What else is new in the studio at Maga Therapy since lockdown?

What else is new in the studio at Maga Therapy since lockdown

 Well, probably like you’ve I’ve been watching the news on how our planet has been healing during this period and it got me to thinking very much about what I can do through my work to be more sustainable and ethical. One of the simplest ways I found was to change the products that I […]

Maga Therapy | Specific Covid-19 Screening Info

Maga Therapy specific COVID-19 screening info

At Maga Therapy we value health. As a result of COVID-19, there are some legally required changes. This post discusses one of the forms which you will be required to bring on the day of your treatment – Covid-19 screening information. You will be sent this when you book your massage or other permissible treatment. […]

What Is Reiki?

I was first introduced to Reiki in the mid-90 whilst attending a counselling training course. I was so curious I ended up getting an ‘attunement’ and to be honest I didn’t really do much more than that with it. But actually that was fine, I was already very ‘aware spiritually’ and certainly had healing hands… […]

What Does a Reiki Session Feel Like?

Each experience of  Reiki healing is different, From person to person, session-to-session and sometimes even during a session. Some people experience a beautiful peaceful space and relaxation; others feel warmth; perhaps coolness, a tingling or a gentle flowing sensation. It is not unusual for people to become so relaxed that they fall asleep. Some clients experience intense emotions […]

Stress, Burnout & ME – Banishing Your Demons

Have you ever felt so stressed; overworked, exhausted, let down by other people, the world or yourself, that you wanted to run away or quit everything? Do people say you’re a ‘little sensitive’ at times? Do you look at other people and wonder how ‘luck’ graced their every move, yet you always somehow ‘lost’? Have […]


What happens when you practice gratitude? One pivotal element to Project Phoenix is the practice of gratitude, creating a “glass half full” outlook and looking for what is right in your life instead of what’s wrong.  Gratitude focuses your attention on things that you may not have noticed, or innocently have taken for granted. When you reflect on […]

What’s the difference between sports & deep tissue massage?

There are many types of massage available and sometimes it can be a little bit confusing as to which one you should book. The most common source of confusion is between deep tissue massage and sports massage. Sports massage can be used to prevent problems from occurring, whereas a deep tissue massage only treats existing conditions. […]

The Benefits & Effects of Sports Massage

There are numerous benefits & effects of  sports massage. Sports massage was originally developed to serve athletes as a way to prevent and relieve injuries, but both athletes and non-athletes can gain physiological and psychological benefits from receiving sports massage therapy. Sports massage should play an important part in the life of any sports participant […]

The benefits of prenatal massage

There are numerous benefits of prenatal massage. Massage therapy during pregnancy is a wonderful complementary choice for prenatal care. It is a healthy way to reduce stress and promote overall well-being. Massage relieves many of the normal discomforts experienced during pregnancy, such as backaches, stiff neck, leg cramps, headaches and oedema (puffy ankles). In addition, […]

Solutions for well-being

I have searched solutions for well-being: to address pain, both in the physical, emotional and spiritual sense for three decades. Many years ago I was introduced to Louise Hay’s you can heal your life book. If I am honest I only ever read the section listing emotions and where they present in the body: to […]