How to deal with the Physical Stress & Pain of Shin Splints

How to deal with the physical stress and pain of shin splints

Whether you jog daily or just dash to catch the train, you are prone to shin splints. Knowing how to deal with the physical symptoms of shin splints is vital information, even  for non-sporty types. What are shin splints The term shin splints is a name often given to any pain at the front of the lower leg. […]

Private back pain treatment

Private back pain treatment

[Updated 6/5/2022]   Author; Dawn from Maga Therapy. Dawn has lectured and written widely, specialising in tension & stress reduction irrespective of the cause, applying the latest scientific thinking to provide logical, effective & progressive results.     Private back pain treatment At Maga Therapy I offer private back pain treatment, it is a common […]

Foot Pain | Plantar Fasciitis

Foot pain plantar fasciitis

Foot pain and stiffness, could it be Plantar Fasciitis? Signs & Symptoms Pain/tenderness on and under the heel and arch of the foot areas Pain worse first thing in the morning until the muscles warm & free Tenderness & Pain on the heel If untreated the pain experienced first thing in the morning will worsen […]

What’s the difference between sports & deep tissue massage?

There are many types of massage available and sometimes it can be a little bit confusing as to which one you should book. The most common source of confusion is between deep tissue massage and sports massage. Sports massage can be used to prevent problems from occurring, whereas a deep tissue massage only treats existing conditions. […]

Top 10 Tips For Back Health & Improved Posture

My 10 top tips for improved posture and the health of your back As a child, were you told “Stand up straight!” or “Don’t slouch!”. It turns out that whoever said it, they were right all along! Having poor posture when walking, sitting, working or driving can have a negative impact on your life including: Pain in your […]

Sports Injuries: Acute or Chronic

Sports injuries acute (recent) or chronic (longer than 6 weeks)are generally classified as either traumatic or overuse injuries. My physical therapy sessions address the painful conditions of Plantar Fasciitis, Shin Splints, Runners Knee, Cramp, Rotator Cuff Injuries, Achillies Tendonitis, IT Band Syndrome, Wrist Tendonitis, or  Repetitive Stress Injuries, Sciatic Nerve Pain (Sciatica) Tennis Elbow & Golfers elbow […]

Wrist Tendonitis & Wrist Stretch

What is Wrist Tendonitis? A form of Repetitive Strain Injury, which can be so painful, that it can totally incapacitate you! Wrist Tendonitis is tough to manage, but you CAN! Why is it so painful? Tendonitis is the irritation of the lining of the tendon and its sheath (which contains the lubrication to the joint). It’s not […]

Breathing To Enhance Fitness Performance and Reduce Stress

Many of us simply forget that efficient breathing enhances your fitness performance AND reduces stress.  As something we do naturally, it seems crazy to find myself writing about breathing. However, I’ve noted that many of my clients Reverse Breathe’. Additionally, I have noted when breathing patterns are corrected that there are very obvious and dramatic […]

ITB Syndrome

What Is Ilio-Tibial Band syndrome (IT Band friction syndrome)? ITB Syndrome is a common cause of knee pain and hip pain in sports participants. Knee pain is most commonly felt along the outside (lateral) knee and the lower thigh. ITB syndrome may also result in a nagging or acute pain on the outside of the hip. […]

How To Treat A Sprained Ankle

a picture of dawn symons giving a sports massage

Learn how to get fast relief with my step-by-step sprained ankle treatment process.  I use a combination of techniques to provide effective solutions to treat PHYSICAL INJURIES and PAIN. Common causes and risk factors associated with ankle sprains include a lack of conditioning inadequate warm-up and stretching inadequate footwear training on uneven ground Lastly and most […]