Are You Overtraining? How Do You Fix Your Body?

Are you overtraining?

Suffering from pain, fatigue or simply not achieving your personal bests?

If you’ve been over-training and want to fix your body, your first priority is to put your feet up and take a rest! If not, lets not beat around the bush here there will be a point when your body will object so much you may end up having to stop your sport.

How much time will it take?

Obvious that depends on the severity, but start by taking 3 to 5 days rest. It is important to have a massage treatment and receive target, bespoke stretch advice to turbo boost (and maintain) your recovery. Try to get as much sleep and relaxation as possible. Go to bed early and catch a nap when you can. Make sure you increase your intake of highly nutritious foods and take an extra dose of vitamins and minerals….. Read More.

The hardest part for any keen sports participant is the psychological side of rest, but I’d like to invite you to focus on how much better your performance will be post-rest. Your body’s condition will be greatly enhanced.

In fact I would go as far to say that there’s no point in beating yourself up mentally over losing a few days exercise, and I would like to particularly ask you to consider the point that you don’t have to work so hard to achieve even better results! Please try not to underestimate the benefits of a good rest and a decent deep-tissue / sport specific massage

After the initial 3 to 5 days rest you can gradually get back into your normal exercise routine, but start off slowly. Most research suggests that you can return with the same intensity and time of exercise but you must cut back on the frequency. So if you would normally exercise 3 or 4 times a week, cut that back to only twice a week for the next week or two. After that you can build towards your normal training regime.

The Benefits Of Stretching

Stretching is a great recovery tool, and you should be using stretching exercises during your normal exercise routine both to assist in recovery and to prevent injury. For more about stretching click HERE



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