How to deal with Stress at work
How to deal with Stress at work. Dealing with work Stress can be really hard. Figuring out ‘what to do when you are feeling stressed or in the process of Burnout can seem an impossible, even confusing task. With many therapists suggesting similar ways of dealing with Stress, you’d think that Stress related issues would […]
Foods That Boost Your Energy & Improve Your Stress Recovery
Stress is a big factor in our modern lives, and it can leave us feeling drained. Luckily, there are some simple things you can do to help relieve stress and boost your energy. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the best foods for improving your stress recovery, and how eating these foods can […]
What Does a Reiki Session Feel Like?
Each experience of Reiki healing is different, From person to person, session-to-session and sometimes even during a session. Some people experience a beautiful peaceful space and relaxation; others feel warmth; perhaps coolness, a tingling or a gentle flowing sensation. It is not unusual for people to become so relaxed that they fall asleep. Some clients experience intense emotions […]
Reflexology – more than a foot massage!
Reflexology is amazing, so much more than a foot massage! Reflexology can reduce your anxiety; aid your sleep, relieves foot pain or tension or the symptoms of plantar fasciitis, improve your sports performance. I am an ITEC qualified and CTHA insured reflexologist (since 2004). What is reflexology? Reflexology is a relaxing, non-invasive, complementary therapy which uses massage and shiatsu and acupressure to […]
First Aid For Stress | From Stress To Peace
My journey from Stress to Peace. I know pain. Your pain – During the last 30 years, I have been working in the clinical and private treatment of both physical and emotional ailments, ranging from conception/birth difficulties through to end-of-life palliative care and all stages in between. My pain – During those same 30 years, […]
How Does Stress Affect Fertility?
How Does Stress Affect Fertility? Are you are trying for a baby without success? Would like to avoid fertility specialists and fertility drugs if possible? Do you believe that stress is either worsening or causing the situation? If stress takes a toll on your body, then it can cause you to ovulate later than usual in your menstrual cycle, or not at […]
Breathing To Enhance Fitness Performance and Reduce Stress
Many of us simply forget that efficient breathing enhances your fitness performance AND reduces stress. As something we do naturally, it seems crazy to find myself writing about breathing. However, I’ve noted that many of my clients Reverse Breathe’. Additionally, I have noted when breathing patterns are corrected that there are very obvious and dramatic […]
Adrenal Fatigue.
Are You Suffering from Adrenal Fatigue? What is it? Adrenal Fatigue | adrenal exhaustion creeps up in such a way often you have no realisation you are in trouble. Why? Let’s face it, we are all guilty of a fast-paced 24/7 lifestyle and barely have time to think let alone assess why we are feeling so […]
Problems Conceiving: Dealing With Your Stress.
Yes! stress can stop you conceiving. On the face of it having a child is something you expect to ‘do’ easily, especially if are fit and healthy… After several months of ‘ trying’ the shock of the situation sets in. Women unable to have children have a stereotypical image of being desperate and sad and […]
Reiki: My Experience, Ralph.
Have you experienced Reiki? It may well seem to be ‘mumbo jumbo’, but read what Ralph who has a been a scientist for his entire working life had to say in May 2011. This is the exact email I received from Ralph, following a Reiki session with me. A year or so ago I was […]